Irina Radu on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 11:52:54 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Vernisaj: Casa Regală IONESCU la Aiurart, miercuri, 16 octombrie 2013, ora 19

Casa RegalÄ IONESCU la Aiurart

16 octombrie - 19 noiembrie 2013 @ SpaÈiul de artÄ contemporanÄ
Aiurart (Bucuresti,
Lirei 21)/ From October 16th through November 19th, 2013 @ Aiurart
Contemporary Art Space (Bucharest, 21 Lirei)

ArtiÈti/ Artists: Regele Èi Regina IONESCU

Curator: Erwin Kessler

Design de expoziÅie/ Exhibition design: Justin Baroncea

Vernisaj: miercuri 16 octombrie 2013 ora 19.00 / Opening: Wednesday,
October 16th, 7pm.

Facebook event:

* for English version please scroll down

*Casa RegalÄ IONESCU* la Aiurart: Discursul cÄtre naÅiune

Regele Åi Regina IONESCU alcÄtuiesc unul dintre cele mai semnificative
cupluri artistice din arta romÃneascÄ tÃnÄrÄ. Cu expoziÅii Ãn muzee Åi
galerii din San Francisco, Strasbourg, Saint-Etienne sau Duesseldorf, cei
doi artiÅti video au reuÅit sÄ ÃÅi impunÄ nu doar propria viziune asupra
societÄÅii actuale, ci Åi particularitÄÅile proprii, chiar Ãn cadrul
cuplului pe care Ãl alcÄtuiesc.

Filmele Regelui IONESCU intervin Ãn stradÄ, direct, energic, realist Åi

Filmele Reginei IONESCU intervin Ãndeosebi Ãn casÄ, Ãn cÄmin, cu acuitate,
sensibilitate Åi o aparte responsabilitate intimÄ.

Regele Åi Regina IONESCU reprezintÄ la superlativ noua ÅcoalÄ video
bucureÅteanÄ care, dupÄ primul deceniu al anilor 2000, a reinventat pur Åi
simplu mediul artistic video, renunÅÃnd la fetiÅizarea ambiÅiilor
progresiste, tehnologiste, scientiste, distant-sociologizante, ataÅate
artei video Ãn anii 90, pentru a se apropia, cu camera video, de o lume
exterioarÄ Åi interioarÄ accesatÄ sub semnul identificÄrii Åi asumÄrii, al
diminuÄrii distanÅei faÅÄ de lume Åi faÅÄ de sine, al recÃÅtigÄrii
Ãncrederii faÅÄ de umanitatea societÄÅii, a tehnologiei chiar.

Cu o tematicÄ âde cartierâ, dar cu o poeticÄ Ãn care critica lasÄ loc
descoperirii (inventÄrii) unei transcendenÅe Ãn rÄspÄr, filmele celor doi,
distincte ca inserÅie, aduc, Ãn egalÄ mÄsurÄ, un neaÅteptat elogiu
existenÅei pure Åi simple, aproape extatice, Ãntr-un mediu ingrat, frecvent
coroziv, precum cel romÃnesc.


The* IONESCU* *Royal House* at Aiurart: A National Address

The King and Queen IONESCU are one of the most significant artistic couples
gracing the young Romanian art scene. Having exhibited in museums and art
galleries from San Francisco to Strasbourg and from Saint-Etienne to
Dusseldorf, these two video artists have managed to impose their vision on
contemporary society not just as a couple, but also as individuals each
having their own distinct visions within this âroyalâ couple.

King IONESCUâs films impact its audiences with their straight-forward,
energetic, realistic and rough street intervention.

Queen IONESCUâs films, on the other hand, impact mainly the family home and
its very hearth with a tender touch that is not only accurate but it is
also oozing with a special and intimate responsibility.

The King and Queen IONESCU are Bucharestâs new Video Art School foremost
ambassadors. Following the first decade of the noughties, this School has
practically reinvented the artistic video medium, giving up on the
fetishisation of the progressive, technological, scientistic and
sociologically-aloof aims that had been superimposed on the video art
during the nineties, in order to get the video camera closer to a world,
both external as well as internal, which could only be accessed through a
personal identification and committal key that served to diminish oneâs own
personal and social alienation while, at the same time, regaining trust in
humanity and technology even.

Dealing with neighbourhood issues yet, inspiring the type of poetics where
the act of critique is being replaced by the act of discovering (inventing)
a type of transcendence which goes against the grain, the films made by
these two characters, though clearly distinguishable as means of insertion,
bring, in equal measure, an unexpected homage to the pure and unadulterated
existence, which is almost ecstatic, in an otherwise intractable and
frequently corrosive environment, such as the Romanian one is.

Translated and adapted into English by Bogdan Lepadatu PhD.
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