Horea Avram on Thu, 24 Oct 2013 09:12:16 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Conference: Rethinking Intermediality in the Digital Age - October 24-26, Cluj

*Rethinking Intermediality in the Digital Age*

Conference of the International Society for Intermedial Studies**

* *

*Cluj-Napoca, October 24-26, 2013.
Sapientia University, Calea Turzii nr. 4. <http://goo.gl/maps/eTqeR>*

*Keynote speakers:*

§  *HENRY JENKINS* <http://henryjenkins.org/aboutmehtml>, University of
Southern California (USA), author of *Convergence Culture: where Old and
New Media Collide* (2007), currently co-authoring a book on "Spreadable
Media <http://spreadablemedia.org/>."

§  *JOACHIM PAECH <http://www.joachim-paech.com/?page_id=9>*, University of
Konstanz* *(Germany), author of *Menschen im Kino. Film und Literatur
erzählen *(2000),* Literatur und Film *(1997)*, PASSION oder Die
EinBILDungen des Jean-Luc Godard *(1989), as well as* *several seminal
articles on the theory of intermediality in film, literature, and new

§  *MARIE-LAURE RYAN* <http://users.frii.com/mlryan/>, independent scholar,
Colorado (USA), co-editor of *Intermediality and Storytelling* (2010),
author of *Avatars of Story (Electronic Mediations)* (2006), *Narrative
across Media: The Languages of Storytelling* (2004), *Narrative as Virtual
Reality. Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic
Media*(2001), etc.

*See attachments for programme and abstracts.*

(Intrare libera)
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