ALERT on Fri, 1 Nov 2013 20:20:16 +0100 (CET)

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[Nettime-ro] A Form of History | Silvia Hell @ ALERT studio (White Code)

(english version bellow)

ALERT studio (White Code). Silvia Hell. Eveniment: Marti 5 Noiembrie, ora 19:00.


Interesul Silviei Hell este concentrat pe complexe reconfigurÄri ale fizionomiei Europei Ãntre 1861 Èi 2011, asupra cÄrora acÈioneazÄ o strategie riguros analiticÄ de re-mapping politic. Cu claritatea Èi simplicitatea unei intuiÈii vizuale, artista genereazÄ un spectru de valori multidimensionale, Ãntr-o unica forma esteticÄ, obtinuta pe calea pasajului progresiv la volum.
Ãn centrul acestei operaÈiuni, un sistem de traducere normalizant Èi arbitrar, care devine parametru Èi sistem de proporÈionare Èi scalare. AmbiÈia lui âA Form of Historyâ este de a stabili un model geografic Èi istoric alternativ viabil dar, mai ales, funcÈional. Ãn loc sÄ suprime validitatea metricÄ care domneÈte Ãn atlasele istorice, stilul viziunii lui Hell ÃncearcÄ sÄ rectifice parÈial configuraÈia semioticÄ, imaginÃnd o coexistenÈÄ sau o funcÈionare paralelÄ a acestor douÄ sisteme eterogene Èi necomensurabile.
MiÈcandu-se Ãntre exactitate Èi aproximare, Silvia Hell remoduleazÄ dinauntru ideea de teritoriu, utilizÃnd ca fond un statement arbitrar, care, procedÃnd metodologic, devine regulÄ. Scriitura cartograficÄ rezultatÄ ne ajutÄ sÄ regÃndim âÃn alÈi termeniâ corespondenÈa dintre metamorfozele geografice Èi tranzitoriul istoric, avÃnd ca obiectiv creearea unui model care ar putea fi aplicat la toate statele europene, inclusiv celor estice, pentru care identificarea variabilelor este mai controversatÄ.
Privind Ãn ansamblu, din configuraÈia expozitivÄ a Silviei Hell, emerge Ãn mod evident sensul cel mai profund al constructional systemÂ-ului teorizat de Nelson Goodman, pentru care orice sistem nu e numai un mod de a vedea lumea, cÃt, mai ales, un mod de a o creea, de a o construi, punÃnd Ãn evidenÈÄ practicile Èi strategiile care o compun.
(Text extras din Silvia Hell: forms of history and cartographical writings, Simone Frangi, 2012)
2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street, code 010281, Bucharest, Romania.

ALERT studio functioneaza ca pop-up gallery.
Vizitarea expozitiei se va face in perioada 5 Noiembrie - 29 Noiembrie prin programare e-mail.

ALERT studio este un proiect independent initiat de Raluca Ilaria Demetrescu, Alina Buga si Catalin Burcea cu scopul de a crea o platforma de cercetare  si promovare a productiei artistice contemporane. Asumandu-si functia de spatiu laborator, Alert Studio propune o intalnire intre artisti, idei, directii si discursuri din zone conceptuale si spatii culturale diferite. Sunt importante si apreciate gandirea critica si interogatia ca metode de cercetare a contextului cultural-artistic contemporan.

ALERT studio functioneaza ca o galerie de proiect, conectand trei directii de explorare artistica - PINK | RED | WHITE - intr-un singur spatiu. Insa aceste coordonate nu inseamna indexare, restrictie si etichetare. Ele se pot intersecta si nuanta, pot oricand dialoga si declansa dezbateri.

ALERT studio (White Code). Silvia Hell. Opening: Tuesday 5th of November, 7:00 PM.


Hellâs focus is placed on the complex reconfigurations of Europeanâs physiognomy between 1861 and 2011, on which a coldly analytical strategy of political re-mapping is applied. Through the clarity and simplicity of visual intuition, this channels a spectrum of multidimensional values in a single aesthetical shape, obtained through a progressive evolution to a pure volume.
At the earth of the operation, a normalising and arbitrary translation system, which becomes precise parameter of scaling and proportion. The ambition of A Form of History is to stabilise an alternative geographical and historical model, trustworthy and, especially, functional. Instead of crushing the validity of the metrics which regulate the historical atlases, Hellâs visual style tries to partially rectify their semiotic configuration, imagining a co-presence or a parallel flowing of these two systems, which are heterogeneous and non-commensurable.
Moving between exactness and approximation, Silvia Hell re-modulates from the inside the idea of territory, using as a kernel an arbitrary statement that, following an induced methodology, becomes rule. The resulting cartographic writing helps rethinking the correspondence between geographical metamorphoses and historical transients âusing other termsâ; the objective is to create a model applicable to all European countries, including the countries of Eastern Europe, for which the identification of the variable values is more controversial.
In a comprehensive overview it seems that, from Hellâs expositional configuration, we can see emerge the deepest meaning of the constructional system theorized by Nelson Goodman. In this theory, every system is not only a way to see the world, but even (and mostly) a way of making it, of building it, showing the practices and the strategies which have slowly composed it.
Text extract from Silvia Hell: forms of history and cartographical writings, Simone Frangi, 2012

2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street, code 010281, Bucharest, Romania.

ALERT studio functions as a pop-up-gallery.
The exhibition is on view between 5th of November and 29th of November. Visits will be programmed by e-mail.

ALERT studio is an independent project initiated by Raluca Demetrescu Alina Buga and Catalin Burcea in order to create a platform of research and promotion of contemporary artistic production. Taking on the function of alaboratory space, Studio Alert proposes a meeting between artists, ideas, directions and speeches from different areas of conceptual and cultural spaces. Critical thinking and interrogation are important and valued as research methods in the contemporary cultural and artistic field.
ALERT studio stands as a gallery project, connecting three areas of artistic exploration - PINK | RED | WHITE - into one space. But these coordinates do not mean indexing, labeling and restriction. They may intersect, combine in new shades, and may always communicate and trigger debates.


Respiro Dental





ALERT studio
2-4 Mircea Vulcanescu Street
code 010281 | Bucharest, Romania

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