Ana Peraica on Sun, 16 Jan 2000 14:30:33 +0100 |
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Syndicate: Fw.Embryo project call for collaboration |
dear all, i would like to ask you to help sending this e-mail to as many people as you think would be interested, or could help in organizing a presentation i'm mentioning below ... thanks a lot, andreja hrvatska verzija slijedi ****************** To whom it may interest! SUBJECT: GENETIC ENGINEERING All welcome to join The subject of a project which we are developing is genetic engineering. In its first phase the project is tied to an interaction of the two participants through internet and in second, for which reason I am writing you, is to draw in students, scientists, sociologists, psychologists, artists as well as those not professionally connected to the above mentioned theme and do the following: - organize an hour long conversation/ debate between 10 - 15 students interested in the subject as a part of an exercise or lecturing at a department where appropriate (partly by interacting through computer, partly in discussion). Headmasters or Head of Departments sought for initial contact! - putting up the texts on the subject of genetic engineering on the project web pages: psychologists, sociologists, scientists, lawyers and others interested invited to join! - joining a mailing list open to 'discussion' on the subject through the following web address: You are most welcome to join in if you are interested in any way (either with texts, contemplation or questioning...). Also, I would be most grateful if you can connect me to others who you think would gladly join in or might be interested, which would immensely advance this project. Andreja Kuluncic multimedia artist e-mail: tel.: home no. - (+385) 1/ 383 21 57 work no. - (+385) 1/ 4811 470 (ext. 107) ************* Potovani, Projekt koji razvijamo vezan je za temu genetskog inzenjeringa i u svojoj prvoj fazi vezan je za interakciju 2 posjetitelja putem mreze, a u drugoj, zbog cega Vam se obracam, za sudjelovanje studenata, znanstvenika, sociologa, psihologa, umjetnika, kao i ljudi koji nisu vezani profesionalno za gore navedenu temu ili umjetnost: - organiziranjem jedno-satnog razgovora/diskusije medju 10-15 studenata zainteresiranih za gore navedenu temu u okviru vjezbe ili predavanja u koji bi se rad tematski mogao uklopiti (dijelom interakcijom preko racunala, a dijelom raspravom), za cije organiziranje na Vama dostupnom odjelu Vam se obracam - postavljanje tekstova psihologa, sociologa, znanstvenika, pravnika i drugih zainteresiranih za temu genetskog inzenjeringa na web stranice rada - ukljucivanjem na mailing listu otvorenoj za "razgovor" na temu genetskog inzinjeringa, preko web adrese: Ako ste na bilo koji nacin zainteresirani za sudjelovanje (tekstom, razmisljanjem, postavljenjam pitanja ...) ili me mozete povezati sa osobama koje bi se rado ukljucile, puno biste mi pomogli u daljnjem razvoju projekta .... unaprijed zahvaljujem, iscekujem Vas odgovor, Andreja Kuluncic multimedijalni umjetnik e-mail: tel.: doma - 01/ 383 21 57 na poslu - 01/ 4811 470 (kucni 107) ------Syndicate mailinglist-------------------- Syndicate network for media culture and media art information and archive: to unsubscribe, write to <> in the body of the msg: unsubscribe your@email.adress