dan arenzon on Mon, 22 Dec 1997 10:03:23 +0100

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Syndicate: South and Culture Lag

South and Culture Lag

What outsiders recognize as Southamerican art and culture is not what we
officially foster. For years we have been transferring and conveying
esthetics from abroad before becoming aware of the contents of our own
perception, in spite of official opposition our artists were brought up
under their own light, space and substance (America) where it became
apparent that established codes could only obscure the way. Allowing
their senses to work without prejudice, before having stated What or How
reality supposedly is, gave shape to the artists that anyone abroad
recognizes as our artists. Ssshould I stress abroad?
We know and believe that a new spirit requires its own language in order
to truly reveal itself, but we officiously cherish what was considered
by others, elsewhere  which has brought us to the reality we are trying
to ignore: Argentina is unable to complete the education of its young
Not only because of the above stated, there is also our cyber-ignorance
. Our high school students interested in media and electronic arts are
forced to travel abroad because they know their teachers have had no
contact whatsoever with new technologies. Art and education has very
little funding and almost no art teacher can spend four months salary in
We are facing today this double failure of our social institutions to
respect our cultural legacy and to keep pace with our world complex

Dan Arenzon - CV

Born into a family of art collectors, painted all my life; graduated
professor of painting, began cinema and computer studies (90s); after art
school, fine arts master from the Andes mountain range to the Neguev desert
in Israel.

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