Andreas Broeckmann on Sat, 6 Jun 1998 12:55:21 +0100

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Syndicate: V2_East Newsletter 98/05

V2_East / Syndicate Newsletter 98/05

- Introduction
- Dates of upcoming events
- Updates

- General info about the Syndicate list
- Subscription

* Introduction *

Dear friends,

The list has been quite busy in the last weeks, but I have heard no
complaints about the traffic, so I guess we can just see how things go. The
summer months are usually more quiet.

The Pyramedia meeting in Tirana last week was a great success, and I think
we can safely say that we broke new ground with regard to what the
Syndicate can do. Edi Muka managed to organise an event to which we had
invited ourselves, everybody who could manage to get there was welcome,
within a week we could get to know quite some people in Tirana, and all
this through a very difficult, roundabout email connection that included
some hand-written [!] messages. It was a great excursion, a very nice
experience with the group that went, and maybe a step towards normalisation
in Tirana. By the way, Pyramedia also showed how important a committed
support at the organiser's end is for a successful meeting.

In August, some people will be going to the Meeting Point festival in
Sarajevo (I haven't got the dates yet), and if you are interested in
joining in, please, contact Stephen Kovats who will be on the road again

The next bigger Sydicate meeting, under the title 'Junction', will take
place in Skopje/Macedonia on the dates 2 - 4 October, in the framework of
the Skopje Electronic Arts Fair '98. There'll be more news on this in the
coming weeks, but it would be great if you could already reserve the dates
for an autumn excursion to Skopje. It seems likely that there will be quite
some support through the Culture Link programme, and we will work on
getting everybody there who wants to join in.

Last weekend, Belgrade's Cinema Rex organised a video manifestation, 'If 6
was 9', which included some screenings by an international group of video
artists. It would have been nice to have known about this beforehand,
because there are now almost always people from the Syndicate travelling
around in Europe who would be interested to go and see these kinds of
things. So, please announce your events and plans on the list and make sure
that this illustrious international group of people knows what you are
doing.  Some might just drop by and say hello.

Anyway, I hope to see you soon -

best wishes,


* Dates of (some) upcoming events and exhibitions *
(check the archive at for postings about these

- 29 May - 14 June 1998: Avatar, Amsterdam/NL
- 4  - 28 June 1998: Inter/Media/Art, Budapest/HU
- 6 - 10 June 1998: Net.Radio.Days Berlin/D
- 18 - 20 June 1998: SONAR 98, Barcelona/ES
- 19 - 21 June 1998: Festival Limbo of Unconventional Art, Plasy/CZ
- 22 - 24 June 1998: Sub Rosa III, Plasy/CZ
- 26 - 28 June 1998: 3rd International Lesbian/Gay Film Festival, Budapest/HU
- 27 - 28 June 1998: Dialogues with the Machine, London/UK
- 30 June - 4 July 1998: Art Servers Unlimited, London/UK
- June - July 1998: Polar Circuit 2, Tornio/Lapland/FI
- 1 - 15 July 1998: Crossing Over, Novi Sad/YU
- mid-August 1998: Meeting Point, Sarajevo/BiH
- 2 - 7 September 1998: ISEA98, Liverpool&Manchester/UK
- 3 - 6 September 1998: Subfiction - 3. Werkleitz Biennale, Werkleitz/D
- 5 - 6 September 1998: Baitz mit Klang 2, Baitz/D
- 4 - 13 September 1998: pictures of (e)motion, Bonn/D
- 7 - 12 September 1998: ars electronica, Linz/AT
- 18 - 23 September 1998: World Wide Video Festival, Amsterdam/NL
- 25 - 29 September 1998: Videonale 8 , Bonn/D
- 2 - 4 October 1998: Junction/Syndicate Meeting, Skopje/MK
- 2 - 9 October 1998: SEAFair - COMMUNING, Skopje/MK
- 2 - 10 October 1998: L'Immagine Leggera, Palermo/IT
- 9 - 18 October 1998: MuuMediaFestival, Helsinki/Fi
- 9 - 11 October 1998: ROOT, Hull/UK
- 15 - 25 October 1998: Nouveau Cinema/Nouveaux Medias, Montreal/CA
- 16 - 25 October 1998: Pandaemonium, London/UK
- 17 - 22 November 1998: DEAF98, Rotterdam/NL
- 19 - 21 November 1998: French-Baltic-Nordic Video and New Media
Feestival, Tallinn/EE

* Inter/Media/Art
sweet time* sign planting* intermedia model* media museum* future gather
Ernst Muzeum, Budapest VI, 4  - 28 June, 1998

an exhibition at Mucsarnok/Kunsthalle Budapest and the Intermedia
Department of the Hungarian Academy of Finre Arts curated by Miklos
Peternak, Zsuzsa Megyesi
open till 28 June, 1998 daily from 10 am to 6pm except Mondays

Participating Artists:

JÛzsef A. ¡d·m, G·bor Bakos, ¡ron Bal·zs, Maria Chilf, Attila Cs?rg?, RÛza
El-Hassan, Attila Erd?dy JÛzsef, ?va Gyarmati, G·bor Gy?rfy, Katalin Ha·sz,
Eszter HajÛs, Andr·s Kapit·ny, ErzsÈbet Kenedi, Andrea Kirkovics, ?va Emese
Kiss, Szabolcs Kis-P·l, Tam·s KomorÛczky, Jen? LÈvay, RÛbert Langh, DÛra
Maurer, Imre Nagy, Kriszta Nagy, Orsolya Nyitrai, L·szlÛ L. RÈvÈsz, Andrea
Schneemeier, Szilvia Seres, Tam·s St.Auby, J·nos Sug·r,  ¡gnes SzabÛ,
Zolt·n Szegedy-Masz·k, G·bor T·losi, JÛzsef Tillmann, Bea Veszely, Andr·s

first international meeting of experimental
Internet-Radio-Projects in Berlin
June 6 - 10, 1998

Organized by "mikro e.V." in cooperation with "convex tv":

The first international meeting of experimental Internet-Radioprojects.
Invited by the Berlin-based group "convext tv" and by "Mikro", a
club for the advancment of media cultures in Berlin, members of more than
20 international groups will go online and on air together.

Even though some of these have collaborated over the
internet for quite some time, for many of them it is the first meeting
in "real space". At the same time the NET RADIO DAYS 98. At the same time will be made accessible to a larger audience in workshops,
presentations and public discussions. Parts of the NET.RADIO DAYS '98 will
be broadcast on air on the public radio stations Radio Fritz and uniRadio
Berlin-Brandenburg; all six NET RADIO DAYS will also be "narrowcast"
non-stop on the internet.

More, constantly updated information and access to the internet broadcasts
from Berlin during the NET.RADIO DAYS:


mikro e.V.:
Thorsten Schilling, Tel/Fax: 030 - 2821867

* Dialogues with the Machine
ICA, London, 27 and 28 June 1998

Dialogues with the Machine is a unique international weekend gathering
of artists, writers and organisers to re-discover the pioneer
generation of artists' work with technology, and discuss its influence
and relevance to today's media and electronic culture.

The weekend includes: artists' presentations, discussions, round-table
debates, film and video screenings.

Sessions include: Convergence: Artists and Engineers/Engineers as
artists, Communication: Art as Process, Conversation: Human/Machine
collaboration, Underground/Overground: Political Motivations and
Social Context

Participants include: Robert Adrian, Vienna based pioneer
telecommunications artist and activist, Roy Ascott, interactive and
network media artist and theorist,  Dennis Crompton, Member of
"Archigram", Douglas Davis, New York based artist and writer, David
Hall, film, video and television artist, Mick Hartney, film and video
artist, John Hopkins, publisher, photographer, video maker and
organiser, Tina Keane, film and video artist, John Latham, artist and
writer,  Liliane Lijn, light and kinetic artist, Paul de Marinis,
sound and technology artist, Gustav Metzger, artist, writer, proponent
of "Auto-Destructive" Art,  Lillian Schwartz, computer graphics artist
and researcher at Bell Labs, New Jersey, since 1968,  Barbara Stavini,
artist and organiser of the Artists' Placement Group from 1966,
Tjebbe van Tijen, artist, organiser, writer and archivist, Steina
Vasulka, musician and video artist (tbc), Stephen Willats, artist
using interactivity, light and collaborative processes (tbc), Jud
Yalkut, film and video artist, writer and curator.  Discussions
chaired by David Alan Mellor and David Garcia.

Programmed by Lisa Haskel
Ticket prices:  weekend passes:   £25,   £15  ICA members/concessions
  day passes: £15, £10 ICA box office: 0171 930 3647
Further information mail:

A Conference and event by and about independent cultural
internet platforms from Europe.
London, 30th June to 4th of July 1998, ICA New Media Centre and

The event is structured into three parts: closed working meetings at
backspace, a public conference and a night at the ICA.

The goal is to look at different working models of art server projects,
reflect about different strategies and, if possible, draft a paper which
gives recommendations for cultural policy making to art funding bodies
and raise awareness for topics such as public access and cultural content
providing, emphasizing notions of independent, self defined cultural and
artistic practice.

Please don't hesitate to contact Manu [] or Armin
[] if you wish to participate or for any other further

ASU is part of the Festival of Central European Culture. In cooperation
with the Austrian Cultural Institute, Embassy of Slovenia, Embassy of
Hungary, Arts Council of England.

Initiative-Of / Organisation-By / Reply-To:
Manu Luksch [] and Armin Medosch []
52B Andrews Rd, London E8 4RL
T: 0044.171.9238830 F: 9238831

* Crossing Over Workshop
July 1 and 15 in Novi Sad

There are still spaces for interested participants residing in "Central and
Eastern Europe". Expenses such as travel and accomodation will be covered.
Please contact Branka Milic Davic as soon as possible (i.e. within the next
day or so) if you are interested.

Branka Milic Davic <spiridon@eunet.yu>

* Sub Fiction
3. Werkleitz Biennial 1998
September, 3rd to 6th, 1998

The concept of the Werkleitz Biennial is that of a border crossing,
international forum for media and art. Artists in the fields of Film,
Video, Photography, Performance and Multimedia as well as classical fields
of the Visual Arts get the opportunity to present their views on
contemporary issues with their artistic work. The artistic engagement on
the current development from the information to the communication society
is playing a significant role.

With SUB FICTION we want to present works which reflect their own fictional
content and/or enter into the experiment of breaking through conventional
fictions and forms. The 3. Werkleitz Biennial intends to have different
experts in the fields of Film, Video, Internet/CD-Rom, Visual Arts and
Performance to give their opinion on which positions in the respective
artistic field are current and important. We are especially interested in
the interaction of technology,
art and society, in outlooks on the development of virtual media and the
relation to our idea of reality, fiction, identity and culture.

Selected programmes and parts of the exhibition shall be presented before
and after the event in Magdeburg, Dessau and Halle, the major towns in the
state. Further presentations in 1999 are planned within a touring
programme. A printed catalogue as well as an online version of the
catalogue, containing the documentation of the artistic works and a
selection of theoretical contributions, will be published for the 1998

Information on Werkleitz and Tornitz can be looked up on our website as
well as on the webpages of SUB FICTION:

Peter Zorn, festival coordination
Werkleitz Gesellschaft e.V. / Centre for artistic visual media
Strasse des Friedens 26 / 39249 Tornitz / Germany
Tel. 0049 - (0)39298 - 675- 0 / Fax: - 55

* Baitz mit Klang  2
Sa, 5. und So, 6.September 1998
Festival mit Klanginstallationen und Performances

Mario van Horrik		Eindhoven, Niederlande
Richard Lerman		Phoenix, USA
Hans-Peter Kuhn		Berlin
Zbigniew Lowzyl		Poznan, Polen
Jan Pieniazek		Warschau, Polen
Marek Choloniewski 		Krakau, Polen
Magita Haberland		Berlin
Stephan Froleyks		Bedburg-Hau
Paul Panhhuysen		Eindhoven, Niederlande

Künstlerische Leitung: Rolf Langebartels, Kunstverein Giannozzo
Projektleitung: Susken Rosenthal, Kunstpflug e.V.
Träger des Projekts: Kunstpflug e.V. Baitz

Hof  Lühnsdorf  Bahnhofstr. 47
14806 Baitz
Fon 033841 -8265  Fax -33121

* Videonale 8
Bonn/D, September 25 - 29, 1998

The 8th international video art festival Videonale will take place in
Bonn/Germany from September 25 - 29, 1998. This biennal event exhibits
contemporary currents in video and media art. An international jury will
award a DM 10.000 Videonale Prize for outstanding artistic videowork. A DM
5.000 prize for an extraordinary video by a female artist will be awarded
by Frau TV and Kulturszene, from the West German television, WDR in
Cologne.This year, for the first time, a DM 5.000 prize will be awarded to
an artistic CD-ROM production. This prize has been donated by the magazine

We would like to invite all interested artists to send their videotape or
CD-ROM production to the festival.

The festival will be accompanied by a comprehensive catalogue containing
information about the festival contributions. Essays by artists and writers
will reflect on recent developments in media art theory. There will be an
accompanying programme consisting of lectures, presentations of
work-in-progress as well as studio talks with artists .

Entry forms can be requested for from April 20th 1998. All contributions
must be received by July 15th 1998.

Videonale 8, Hochstadenring 22, D-53119 Bonn,
phone/fax +49 (0) 228 / 69 28 18

* MuuMediaFestival'98
October 9 - 18, 1998, in Helsinki/FI

MuuMediaFestival'98, the annual Nordic media arts festival, celebrates its
10th anniversary, October 9.-18.1998, in Helsinki at the Kiasma Museum of
Contemporary Art, the Otso Gallery and the Cable Gallery.  Site-specific
projects will extend across the Helsinki cityscape.

 MuuMediaFestival'98 is organized by AV-ARKKI in collaboration with the
Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki and Gallery Otso, Espoo
AV-ARKKI archives, distributes and promotes Finnish media art.

We invite submissions from artists to an international MMF'98 program:

-  "Mobile Zones - Interactions in Urban Spaces"
                        (installations, projects etc.)
- juried exhibition of international multimedia art
                        (cd-roms, websites etc.)
- juried screenings of international video art and
                        experimental film

We especially look forward to receiving works that address the special
theme of MMF'98: "Global & Indigenous".

The deadline for entries to MMF'98 is 15.05.1998.
e-mail contact is: <>

Tallinn, November 19-21 1998

The French-Baltic-Nordic Video and New Media Festival is an annual
international electronic arts event taking place in the Baltics. The
1998 festival will be hosted by the E-Media Centre of the Estonian
Academy of Arts in Tallinn, Estonia.


We invite submissions from artists in the following categories:

- video art and experimental film
- cd-roms


intends to have a parallel exhibition of videotapes, installations and
digital electronic media consisting of the following two parts:


Video, experimental film and other electronic art forms

1. Videos from Baltics. Selections from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
Works of recent years.
2. French video selection. Selected works of french artists and invited
artist from France with presenting his/her special program.
3. Videos from Nordic countries.
4. International selection. Collections or presentations from other

II PART, video in the internet, online video, digital cinema  and
other online forms of moving sound and images. This part is mostly
centered on video, but not excluded are animations, hypermedia, games
and other online forms of visual or audio art:,
Accepted are all applications that works by help of Quicktime, Shockwave
plug-ins etc.

Curator of II part: Tiia JOHANNSON, e-mail:

Please send your entry to:

TARTU STR. 1. EE0001,
PHONE: (372) 6 267 336
FAX: (372) 6 267 350
E-MAIL: (no attachments)

Festival is organized by the French Cultural Center in Tallinn, the
Estonian Academy of Arts, supported by the Soros Center For Contemporary
Arts, Estonia and the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.

* Updates *

* Inke Arns mentions the website of Mediorama, edited for Nokia, which has
a series of texts on (ancient) media history by the Finnish historian Erkki
Huhtamo and others.

* Ardele Lister <> writes:

My recently completed tape, Conditional Love (see Under: Nationalism-Canada)
will be screening as part of the Fest. of Nations in Austria this month.
The day and time of screening are June 19. don't know the time actually.
It's in Ebensee am Traunsee.
For those of you who would like to see it, here's your opportunity!

* José Luis Brea <> who has recently joined the
Syndicate writes:

here is some about me:
. Professor of Aesthetics and Theory of Contemporary Art at University of
Castilla-La Mancha (Cuenca, Spain)
. Correspondant critic for Artforum since 1992
. Founder Editor of Acción Paralela
. Editorial Director of Aleph

* The euroARTchannel has substantially updated its Web System and has
extended its coverage also to EUROPEAN DESIGN, CRAFTS  and ANTIQUES. You
may submit your own URL in the corresponding category or update your
existing at

* Susken Rosenthal <> writes:

Subject: Art &Industry / From KUNSTPFLUG/Baitz:

Dear interested artists,
1. We have a new web site with fotos that show of the industrial zone of
Brück/Linthe where the festival is going to happen: (please click button for projects)
2.The date of the festival will be most probably 2nd-till 4th July 1999.

* NEWS from ZoneZero  <>

This is just a reminder that this coming WEDNESDAY, Ruben Martinez and
Joseph Rodgriquez start their most interesting journey throughout the US,
writing and photographing on the NEW AMERICANS as they  report and CHAT
with you during their travels. The appointment is at 12:00 ( US Central
time) on June the 3erd in the CHAT ROOMS at ZoneZero. <> you can also look up their
schedule for the upcoming trip and further chats. As well as the first
days activities.

about the project......THE NEW AMERICANS

"We have christened this project The New Americans because we believe
that the migrants are telling the 'natives' who they are becoming, and
because, from our vantage point, the migrants the 'New Americans' embody
everything that is American, in the broad, continental sense of the word.
In truth, the title owes everything to Joseph Rodríguez, an
extraordinarily faithful and inspiring friend and
magnificent documentary photographer, with whom I undertook a trip across
the U.S. looking for migrant stories among a Mexican migrant population
that in recent years has fanned out across the
country, from the largest cities on the coasts to the smallest of
'heartland' towns."   Rubén Martínez

* General Info *

V2_East is an initiative of V2_Organisation Rotterdam, which is aimed at
creating a network of people and institutions who are involved with or
interested in media art in Eastern Europe and which wants to create an
infrastructure that facilitates cooperations between partners in East and
West. With its 'Syndicate' mailing list, website <>
and regular meetings, V2_East is becoming an important tool for fostering
ties within the media art community in Europe which makes it increasingly
obsolete to think in term of 'East' and 'West', and which will eventually
make the V2_East initiative itself redundant.

The V2_East/Syndicate is a no-budget network initiative rather than an
institution. <> is the address of a mailing list which is
dedicated to an exchange of information and ideas relating to the situation
and future development of electronic and media art in Eastern Europe. A
Syndicate-mail archive for messages that are coming in over the list (since
April 97) can be found at:
The list members include more than 240 artists, curators, networkers,
writers, festival organisers, etc., from East as well as West European
countries and beyond, who, through the 'Syndicate', are trying to improve
the communication and cooperation between artists and organisations in East
and West. The list was first installed following the initial meeting of the
V2_East initiative at V2_Organisation in Rotterdam on January 21, 1996, at
the end of the second Next 5 Minutes conference. During the DEAF96 festival
in September, we held a V2_East Meeting in which around 30 people from 12
different countries participated. Other meetings were held in Liverpool
(LEAF97, April 1997), Kassel (Deep Europe workshop, August 1997), Linz
(Syndicate Net.Shop, September 1997), and Dessau (Ostranenie 97, November

* Subscription *

To subscribe to the syndicate list, please, send a message to
<> with the following text in the body of the
message: subscribe [email-address]
For more information about the Syndicate, please, contact <>
(Andreas Broeckmann).

*Please, send information that you feel should appear in the next edition
of this newsletter (deadline: 30 June 98) to: