| ;) | GRAPHICMAIL is an easy-to-use, web-based e-mail tool for newsletters, e-brochures, promotions, invitations, press releases, product launches & more. | | ;) ;) ;) | | | | | CREATE IMPACT Add photos, illustrations, logos, fonts & colors with GraphicMail's online editor using your Internet browser! Use GraphicMail to design graphic newsletters, upload & maintain e-mail address lists & send group e-mail shots. | | ;) | | | SAVE TIME Invalid addresses are automatically deleted. Recipients can unsubscribe from your newsletter with one click. Link your website to a customised GraphicMail subscribe form. | | | ;) | ;) ;) | | | | | SEE RESULTS View statistics on opened e-mails and subscriber usage. More copy needs to be written for this section. More copy needs to be written for this section. More copy needs to be written for this section. More copy needs to be written for this section. | | ;) | | | QUICK LOGIN Access your personal Graphicmail account from any PC, from anywhere. You can send stored newsletters or create new ones in a few simple steps. | | | ;) | | | ;) | ;) | ;) | ;) | | If you like GraphicMail, send this page to a friend. | ;) | | | | | ;) | ;) | |
| SUBSCRIPTION | Maximum e-mails per month | US $ per month | Monthly subscription plan | 2,000 | $ 9.95 | | 5,000 | $ 19.95 | | 10,000 | $ 29.95 | | 20,000 | $ 49.95 | PAY AS YOU GO | Maximum e-mails per year | US $ per year | Annual subscription plan - low usage | 3,000 | $ 24.95 | Annual subscription plan - mendium usage | 10,000 | $ 49.95 | EXTRA SEND CREDITS | Quantity | US $, once | 5000 send credits | 5,000 | $ 14.95 | Multiples of 10,000 send credits | 10,000 | $ 24.95 | | ;) | unlike the maximum monthly (or annual) send credits - the extra send credits do not expire at the end of each month (year). | | ;) | Monthly or annual plan can be cancelled at any time, without notice. | | ;) | | |