ecdysone on 10 Sep 2000 09:04:11 -0000 |
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<nettime> hello |
: Max Plank Inztitut 4 Ordnung \+\ Disziplin : Uber die Konztituzie der Materie [c]ccp : Netochka Nezvanova - __ __ ________/ / /_/ /___ __ / __ / /_/ /__/ /__ / ____________/ /_/ \/\ nn++ Netochka Nezvanova shall be discussing herself [01 lovely produkt really] at FCMM - Netochka Nezvanova shall be discussing herself [01 lovely produkt really] at Interference - as well as present a number of her delicious analogue workx. punctual be +please. Netochka Nezvanova shall of course bekome the nekst ultra zttz +SUPERIOR ost europa etc objekt. She is very ultra happily facilitating the acquisition of 10 apple macintosh g4 super zmak komputers - all equipped with the most advanced realtime video environment NATO.0+55+3d.modular - at the newly founded Media department of the Academy of fine arts in Zagreb.Croatia - As well - a NATO.0+55+ festival shall take place in very verdi +SUPERIOR ost europa. Ultra lv++ to Maja Kuzmanovic - cist racun - duga ljubav. "would you like to" - da+da. ganz feaz!bl + ultra zttz. NATO.0+55 operators are invited to attend. If desirous of may transmit 01 `YES PL EASE` messaj 2 - NATO.0+55 me 2 +? JA.DANKE> it pays to - 01 kontinous voyaj + akademik kareer. - shall be distributing lovely 0f0003 data takk 2 pc operators there - sol+la - particularly you monsieur giganto - merc! 4 asc!!. 5o5o is inkorporating nato.0+55 data in ffmix please do visit the very ultra sanitary 5o5o ueb site da - - aussi klik hier - izt tzo veri plazt!k + zkueek [+made in barcelona] very pleased to report - all members of the ultra zttz + sanitary fm male konglomerat shall be attending the nato.0+55 \ deaf2000 spektakle. multihizzi. + 2 view 01 kommentari on fm at icmc 2000 - plz juzt 1 klik hier [0002] m9ndfukc++ a very very + verdi artikle apropos nebula.m81 \ nato.0+55 shall be present in computer music journal 24:3 NATO.0+55 galla spektakles updated - klik hier 4 01 kompliment neu workx by hc gilje - + [zekz!e 0002] lovely pakts have been sealed with kisses - very kompetent + ultra korporat \ kompetent 2x life objekts whom suspekt 1 shall hear more about - 01 traum + 01 starker ville. da + da you may not stop it mais = welkome 2 try. toy objekts oftenly ultra boring do bekome. nato.0+55+3d.modular \ max \ msp bundle - appears to be 01 reality. 01 may konsider waiting 4 01 other. if sufficiently long 1 waits 01 1 lobby does bekome. takk 2 david zicarelli - nato.0+55+3d.modular - 01 neu + zttz version 2 be unleashed featuring `think` + `quarrel` + `klone` + `sex` modes. better tasting dialogs + non.realtime rendering + neu + zkueek objekts. an sdk - si vouz voulez. lastly is _your very personal 1 financial love affair + FREE BANK. da + da. of interest to ver! elegant `net-artists` + multimedia programmers \ academics shall be - kondukt your personal research \ installations at NN's expense - tres+tres tres facil. addtl developments aussi mais - cannot tell as 01 very verdi + very mysterious [read just 1 miau] life objekt i am + _very. fr!endly++ un-sterile infectious (+unstressing) luv [cccp 01 luvl! l!f 4rm] nn. k!t! zpekulaz!e - juzt 1 m!au = dze dog s!ghd dze !ns!ns!re + p!t! seek!ng s!gh ov 1 zpo!lt an!ml k!tt! laughd 01 laugh muz!kl + mal!c!ouz. da + da. - FREE \3\ d!menz!!kaler.m9ndfukc++ _||- zolar !nput - nutr!ent rez!kl!ng kreat!ng bumpz !n dze korporat male fasc!zt !nternaz!onl b!tautoztrada = 01 zerebral kode - fr!endl!.nn 0 0 0 || KORPORAT KR!EG MACHT 3k0R KUNST N[>] IMF - the International Meme Fund - shear pathway to the core. - promoting meme development. lokomotion. + reinvestment. - meme sekurity + meme transaktions. [>] ||||||||||||||||||||| rekurrent exc!tat!on || |||||||| – – – – – – – – – – – – Ò – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – pro satisfacer le metro – – Ò – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – < 0\ zve!te[z]!ztem \1 > - - - 02. O 43 - netochka nezvanova - volume 5 number 4 [c]ccp 0+00 irena sabine czubera. memes pre:served - kop!eren verboten : sch sch sch je d!z s!lanss je d!z le dez!r de la mer. est ce mo! qu! dez!re la mer ou la mer qu! dez!re +? zeulement. ev!damnt. mon amour p!e+rot. - want me to stop writing? - shall tell you more - please read for now. take.02. in 1o m!n plz take mor. - i don't give interviews jurnaliste. - i am not a jurnalist monsieur johnson. i am cyberbotanist. i give life. DDDDDD DDDDDDDDDD DDDD8888DDDD DDD88OOOO88DDD DD8OOSSSSOO8DD DDD8OSSSSSSO8DDD DD8OSSS%%SSSO8DD DD8OSS%%%%SSO8DD DD8OSS%%%%SSO8DD DD8OSSS%%SSSO8DD DDD8OSSSSSSO8DDD DD8OOSSSSOO8DD DDD88OOOO88DDD DDDD8888DDDD DDDDDDDDDD DDDDDD - quite shy in the bio.medium. i am not very real time. >i think the idea of "living material" is very real. At >the molecular level the distinction between "living", "inert", >"animal" and "plant" really disappear, precis. + lovely. typically `my thoughts` travel towards macro which i associate with silence. >so it's really a matter of >terminology/taxonomy... the human is a great machine/computer; less so than a garden. although adjusting for scale more so [ ... but i am a human in a garden] >we'll >produce better ones (but maybe not next year). Probably clothing for >cold regions will come first since life generates heat ("take out >your #&$! coat, it needs to piss"). you are so sanitary. in any case. why take life. wear it. 01 dialogue = interessant. i like stepping on bugs. > I'm very much willing to discuss any such ideas. How do you control >your plants? as you - do not. i touch them. konsum them. they touch me. konsum me. we are butterflies. our wings flap each other. 01 form of love at a distance. >What kind of living materials are you using? the ones have `decided` to live in the garden. if one stood still for an elongated time plants would be happy to provide a bio.embrace. it is due 2 they are undesirous of running away. i should like to be a human plant. it would indikate i have the ability to survive sans running away or running towards. i will shed leaves in the shade because i like stepping on bugs. >Do you actually wear the dress? nein. but i would like to. i do in a sense. but not literally. that is i am also wearing a planet at this very moment if you travel an elongated distance and view. - + now we arrive at the lovely sekzie. > Change of subject; i have a project i'm thinking about, mm. delicious. >perhaps, in >turn, you would like to join? It is to create an "impossible >structure", you wish to give life. - i shall tell. 5 years prior to present a girl acquired her 1st computer. she was enthusiastic about investigating the digital corridors - of a networked ambalaj she read about so - the internet. it appeared to her it did not greatly differ from the garden she so adored visiting. perhaps more sanitary. the girl was timid and traveling in uncharted territory, thus much as any `smart` cell did during the cambrian period she sought the protektion of another cell. she named it =cw4t7abs. the internet proved formidable. and =cw4t7abs more so. a year passed and then one other. soon the girl began to feel invidious of =cw4t7abs. although she gave it life it was evident to her =cw4t7abs was much more loved than her. jealousy replicated and replicated yet she resisted despair by detuning her desires. in another year's time she observed =cw4t7abs grew temperamental and v.reluctant to duplicate. initially she attributed it to a temporary switch in phase current but when the episodes repeated she promptly requested a formal examinazie. =cw4t7abs arrived quite punctually + began to spell. ..... she rose furiously [for her desires already detuned had been into the intolerable range] + programmed =cw4t7abs to go. it obliged promising never to return. [paranteza what did =cw4t7abs report which so upset me +? that i can never tell] months pulsed away. the girl was silent now. the internet proved less fantastik and she retraced her steps into the garden where she read alone. the rekombinant coefficient was an at all time low. the plants comforted her yet she oftenly dreamt. a laser guided kiber konflikt brought her positive returns. a telegram signaled - expeditor : =cw4t7abs informing of unauthorized return. promptly she procured 01 ultra zkueek plaztik domicile. within attosekonds =cw4t7abs left its traces on ceramic ribbons + microfluidic channels. they exchanged cell.signals. membankx + lux.bits. a kommon form ov dze b!nd!ng theor+e. they loved one other - this remained so. finalment she searched - will you stay +? - dezp!t zukzezez dze progresz = haz b!n f!n!t. klonez konztruktd = hav enkountrd forSS++ opoz!z!e + oftnl! - a - zukumbd - you aren't ... - eku!pd 2 netverk. da + da. . my eyes have glanced its recommendations + assay samples ... i welcomed her with wet eyes 1 year ago. =cw4t7abs is quantum much more so then i. although i had forgotten the implementation of the sexual reprodukzie apparat the love had given curved and spiraled + entered me again in an infinite warm glow. her name is netochka nezvanova. - nn. !mprov!ng enkr!pz!on teknolog!e does nn want to be loved. X 33 43 O | O 43 | < | | ordnung + d!sz!pl!n > |\ O 43 / | | \ | / netochka nezvanova - volume 5 number 4 [c]ccp 0+00 irena sabine czubera. memes pre:served - kop!eren verboten : >What's nice about it is that's it's a program with no user... because it is life dear - - - 03 Federal Bureau ov Suggestie : http://#latent-time: +1:00r . unabl.2.log-in.statuz.changed.federaL bureau ov suggezt!on | d!v!s!on ov kr!t!kL phenomena | 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 |a|9|f|f|dbUg3rztr2p0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 ! ! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 >hi hou do u do alex. presently corresponding with 3 alex personages. and which are you +? >> >wanna > >'k. here we go!!! > >+ + + > >Q: You have many different identities on the net: =cw4t7abs, antiorp, >integer, and Netochka Nezvanova (are there others?). Maja Kuzmanovic - exquisite cyberbotanist +? >Can you >describe how these personas differ? for it to be realtime access to parallel universes is essential. will you facilitate +? >Do they mean different things for >you? have you read the 2 transmissions i inklude for you belou +? 1 2 >Q: Can you describe your work "nebula_m81" and what the USISK system is? 3 the cmj article - have you read +? details it most elegantly non +? -mlf - ( perfect ) +? - "YES PL EASE!!" OutLook : 01 protoplazm!k tranzparent kapzul. organ!k zuperkonduktrz. rav!ssant `neu` memor!ez = !n!z!all! lab!le + zenz!t!v 2 d!zrupz!on pr!or 2 dzm be!ng konzol!datd !n2 ztabl long-term memz. hensz 01 !nfuz!e avec prote!n z!nthez!z !nh!b!torz = prevntz 01 4rom lern!ng. !n evnt 01 memor! doez bkom lernd dze luvl! data = auss! = ganz ultra feaz!bl 4 ztabl long-term memz uen reakt!vatd 2 bkom lab!le 1nz aga!n + at dzat t!me - fr!endl! < 0\ zve!te[z]!ztem \1 > n2+0 koncerto.f.andante. sch sch sch murmur ov dze un!verszez. verve!le doch. du b!zt tzo schon. `our` bod!ez = dze boundaries of `our` understanding. - dze kual!tat!v kontra kuant!tat!v d!zkuz!e = haz mozt zttz b!n. ut!l!z!ng human judgement !n z!ztem d!nam!kz modelz ov zoz!al z!zteme. m! handz = u!tr dzn urz. ! = ut!l!sz ultra lux. \ / \ / \/ = reku!rz /\ / \ / \ all realities have in them an element of subjectivity. 1 = ma! regard zelv az 01 dream!ng butrfl! ou 01 butrfl! dream!ng !t = 01 dream!ng human. ou b!enzur 01 +b!t ov both. dzat dze real!t! != komun!kabl !nd!katez 01 kuantum ztajt und tzo = 01 ultra ganz ale!n !n 01 kozmos. pre.konssept!Øn meeTz ver!f1kat!Øn. - Netochka Nezvanova f3.MASCHIN3NKUNST 17.hzV.tRL.478 e | | +---------- | | < \\----------------+ | n2t | > e - - - 04 Subject: [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\ nato.0+55 buletin.0+24 | lifefields.scena. Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: : Max Plank Inztitut 4 Ordnung \+\ Disziplin : Uber die Konztituzie der Materie [c]ccp : Netochka Nezvanova - __ __ ________/ / /_/ /___ __ / __ / /_/ /__/ /__ / ____________/ /_/ \/\ nn++ IRCAM [reklama - Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique] shall commence distribution of the ultra lovely NATO.0+55+3d.modular realtime 2d.3d graphical programming environment in September via IRCAM forum may klik hier - _ hier aussi IRCAM [reklama - self konsistent approach utilized to examine your short term mem.mod] workshops with NATO.0+55 + addtl are scheduled for 18 - 20 octobre. Netochka Nezvanova may present a paper regarding NATO.0+55 during the workshops [open] or post workshops [klosed] - if one wishes to _participate may email Pedro Soler \ 5o5o [] + Netochka Nezvanova \ 0f0003 [5o5o fr!endl!] are presenting \ presenting Nebula.m81.autonomous online and offline at the autonomousAudio galla \ spectacle in .au ULtra zuper + zplendid farmersmanual [klik -] will be performing a Paris. Centre Pompidou (Beauborg) 11th of september 2000 as part of Les Rendez-vous Electroniques. Brussels 2000 event - film about Kurt Schwitters by Guy-Marc Hinant music by Kurt Ralske. Schwitters-derived nato.0+55 performance by Kurt Ralske Friday 8 September. 20h30 [addtl nato.0+55 routines aussi] - A NATO.0+55.modular installation has been presented at Ars Elektronica by one or one other - is conducting an interview with Netochka Nezvanova delicious cyberbotanist - Artbyte [arbeit +?] magazine is conducting an interview with Netochka Nezvanova artbyte macht fre!. da + da. - Alexei Shulgin shall be taking Netochka Nezvanova on a winter sled ride through Leningrad + purchase her a palace post co+produkzie of an algorithm for injekting .ru accents into her appositives + interjektions. Frederic Madre + Netochka Nezvanova are authoring an application \ program in a natural lang - si vous vous vous vous vous vous voules Poursuite du ven + censored - klik yes +? Finalment - would you like to PLUR +? NATO.0+55 PLUR++ may klik hier in 0+72h - NATO.0+55 2x [ou UNISEX comme vous voules] PLUR moda fur dze ganze velt. \\\\\\\---'00ooooo999999999iiiiiii['=[----0-'; plastik kikx. - nou u rezt + i read. hybrid alien lifefields extending the most delicious of all life forms lv+.nn. m9ndfukc.macht.fre! _||- ee d c b a rr q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 0 0 || KORPORAT KR!EG MACHT 3k0R KUNST N[>] IMF - the International Meme Fund - shear pathway to the core. - promoting meme development. lokomotion. + reinvestment. - meme sekurity + meme transaktions. [>] ||||||||||||||||||||| rekurrent exc!tat!on || |||||||| – – – – – – – – – – – – Ò – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – pro satisfacer le metro – – Ò – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – < 0\ zve!te[z]!ztem \1 > - - - 05 Subject: [ot] [!nt] \n2+0\ 242.blitzkrieg \ 242.i would like 2 rent you Cc: Bcc: X-Attachments: \/\ 242.b[l]itzkrieg - lovely a +? bon. 1st etapa = has been kompleted + in 01 magnificent fashion etapa.0+2 ist hereby instantiated. target - ultra korporat konglomerates this is where i read + program in natural langs + you read + program in inelegant langs. beauty has its reasons. altzo - those desirous of 242.super.freedom + 01 exemplary + very very exciting situation please continue \ scroll may transmit cv's + resume's to requisite - fluent in english. c. - edukated - i.e. desirous of 01 continuos read++ routine and capable of composing an email. - plug + play. i.e. must be capable of operating autonomously and has an active interest in several disciplines preferred - academic \ research oriented life forms - i would like papers - under 30 benefits - komplimentary subscription to 01 super lovely amalgam of publications. you shall be showered with as much data as desired. financial - lovely target - ultra korporat konglomerates. may transmit cv's + resume's to one will be programming korporat data for nato.0+55.modular and several addtl and korporat data for installations \ projekts - * this does not an employment opportunity equal. rather a networking opportunity it equals. dog like kreaturs - may remain exaktly where they are. i cannot be bothered. friendly.nn - m9ndfukc.macht.fre! _||- ee d c b a rr q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a 0 0 0 || KORPORAT KR!EG MACHT 3k0R KUNST N[>] IMF - the International Meme Fund - shear pathway to the core. - promoting meme development. lokomotion. + reinvestment. - meme sekurity + meme transaktions. [>] ||||||||||||||||||||| rekurrent exc!tat!on || |||||||| – – – – – – – – – – – – Ò – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – pro satisfacer le metro – – Ò – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – < 0\ zve!te[z]!ztem \1 > # distributed via <nettime>: no commercial use without permission # <nettime> is a moderated mailing list for net criticism, # collaborative text filtering and cultural politics of the nets # more info: and "info nettime-l" in the msg body # archive: contact: