Borcila, Rozalinda on Fri, 30 May 2003 10:09:38 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] colaborare: performance Elastic Test Project

Title: colaborare: performance Elastic Test Project

The Elastic Test Project, o serie de proiecte itinerante realizate de Rozalinda Borcila si Robert Lawrence, continua la

Acest proiect raspunde in mod specific fiecarului local si context, dezvoltind sub forma de performance o interpelare a dinamicii dintre ipostazele de cetatean si strain, insider/outsider, localnic si imigrant. Procesul de (i/e)migrare, in diversele sale aspecte, este punctul de pornire in formularea interactiunii cu colaboratorii proiectului, cu publicul, cu participantii in diferitele ateliere si workshops care constituie procesul de creatie al lucrarilor.

Invitam noi colaboratori in cadrul acestui proiect -- idei, propuneri sint bine-venite si pot fi trimise la adresa Mai multe discutii, pen-delete si mai putin formale, cu cine doreste sa raspunda acestui apel.

Puteti accesa cea mai recenta etapa aproiectului la

Premisa proiectului este simpla si absurda: ce fel de procedura poate evalua, in mod obiectiv, strainul fata de o anumita norma standard, pentru a determina daca acesta poate fi "incetatenit" sau naturalizat -- daca poate fi acceptat pentru emigrare? Cum devin cuantificate si institutionalizate asemenea subiectivitati? Prin intermediul acestui sit, solicitam propuneri, selectam, transmitem testele in localuri si tari diferite, cream o arhiva a rezultatelor. Va rugam sa vizitati situl pentru mai multe detalii asupra proiectului, si imagine ale etapelor de pina acum.

Sectia de "arhiva" a sitului va va indrepta inspre etapa cea mai recenta, un performance desfasurat la Nickle Arts Museum in Calgary, care porneste de la dimensiunile sociale si conceptuale ale notiunii de "valuare". Acest test combina metodele de valuare folosite in legile de imigrare ale statului Canadian si cele folosite in numismatica, pentru a determina varoarea participantilor ca cetateni. Avind drept colaboratori artisti si noi imigranti cadrul mai multor workshops, evenimentul separa publicul participant in grupuri distincte in functie de anumite criterii valorice fixe -- in final distrugind aceasta structura prin impunerea unui sistem de negociere mai "elastic". Acest performance aduce la suprafata modalitatile adeseori violente prin care diferite sisteme valorice sint institutionalizate si negociate.

This is an invitation for new collaborators for the ongoing Elastic Test Project, a traveling series of performances critically exploring notions of citizenship, normativity and immigration – if you have ideas, proposals or contributions you would like to suggest, please email

Please see the most recent installment of the Elastic Test Project on the updated project website

The premise of this project is simple and deliberately absurd: what kind of testing procedure can objectively measure a foreigner against a normative standard, to determine if they can become “naturalized”? How is such subjectivity quantified and institutionalized? Through this website, we solicit proposals for such tests, debate/negotiate the selection process, broadcast the performance of the tests in different locations/countries, archive the results, and provide the final measurements. Please see website for more on the project and concept.

The archive section on the website will lead you to the project’s recent incarnation in Calgary, a performance that critically explores the conceptual and social dimensions of “valuation”.  This most recent test combines the evaluative methods in effect in monetary systems and numismatics with the evaluative systems used in Canadian Immigration Law to determine worthiness for citizenship.  Using workshop participants as “evaluation agents”, the performance separates the audience into groups of contingency based on fixed value systems, only to unsettle this structure through a more flexible or "elastic" system of negotiation.  This social performance, and the accompanying multi-media display, is constructed as a test that makes visible the violent ways in which systems of value are institutionally imposed and negotiated.

New proposals and collaborators are welcome at any time. I look forward to hearing from you,

Rozalinda Borcila

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