stefan rusu on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 14:07:46 +0200 (CEST)

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[Nettime-ro] Open Call_Found Footage Workshop

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Apel de participare: Found Footage Workshop

Data limitÄ: 1 August 2007
SelecÅia finalÄ: 10 August 2007

Organizator/Locul desfÄÅurÄrii: KSAK- Centrul pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ, ChiÅinÄu
Perioada desfÄÅurÄrii atelierului: 9-25 septembrie 2007 (6 ore/ zi, 6
zile/ pe sÄptÄmÃnÄ).
ParticipanÅi: 15 artiÅti din Moldova, RomÃnia, Bulgaria, Macedonia,
Bosnia Åi HerÅegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Muntenegru, CroaÅia, Slovenia.

Parteneri de proiect:
AsociaÅia D-Media, RomÃnia (
Baza - Belgrade Art Initiatives, Serbia (
NBK Video Forum, Germania (

Atelierul Found Footage ÃÅi propune explorarea Ãn profunzime a
re-folosirii materialelor vizuale arhivate, a esteticii aproprierii,
sampling-ului, deturnÄrii Åi transferului limbajului cinematic Ãn
forma digitalÄ. Atelierul va consta din componenta teoreticÄ,
proiecÅii de filme Åi ateliere de lucru asistate (selecÅia surselor de
arhivÄ, transferuri analog-digital, montaj). Fiecare participant va
produce un film bazat pe refolosirea materialelor din sursele
arhivate. Atelierul este o posibilitate Ãn facilitarea schimbului
inter-cultural dintre artiÅtii din Moldova, artiÅti regionali din
ÅÄrile balcanice, Åi oaspeÅii internaÅionali care au fost invitaÅi sÄ
conducÄ atelierul.

Tutorii invitaÅi  Åi conÅinutul atelierului:
John Davis (San Francisco, SUA) este artist media care exploreazÄ
fuziunea dintre film, video, fotografie, sunet experimental Åi
practicile sociale. Link:
* Introducere Ãn refolosirea culturii pop cu scopul criticii, satirei
Åi investigÄrii politice. Asistarea participanÅilor Ãn selectarea
fragmentelor din surse precum: filme, video Ãn format VHS, DVD-uri,
televiziune Åi internet, pentru a le Ãncorpora Ãn proiecte cu scopul
schimbÄrii peisajului media prin viziuni personale. ProiecÅii de
materiale video bazate pe principiul found-footage din SUA.
Joanne Richardson (Cluj, RomÃnia) este teoretician media, artist video
Åi coordonator al D-Media, un ONG care produce media digitalÄ Åi artÄ
angajatÄ. Link:
* Introducere Ãn istoria materialelor video regÄsite Åi a deturnÄrii
acestora, legÄtura acesteia cu lupta Ãmpotriva proprietÄÅii
intelectuale Åi dimensiunile politice ale âcontra-documentarului".
Asistarea participanÅilor Ãn dezvoltarea conceptelor, montaj.
ProiecÅii de filme franceze ale anilor 1960-70 Åi ale materialelor
video bazate pe principiul found-footage din perioada post-89 din
Europa de Est.
Stevan Vukovic (Belgrad, Serbia) este critic de artÄ, teoretician de
film, curator Åi co-fondator al Belgrade Art Initiatives. Linkuri: , ,
* Introducere Ãn producÅia recentÄ a filmelor documentare Åi video din
Balcani. ProiecÅii ale filmelor lui Zelimir Zilnik Åi altor regizori
Kathrin Becker (Berlin, Germania) este istoric al artelor, curator Åi
director al Video Forumului NBK (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein) Link:
* Introducere Ãn arhiva Video Forumului NBK. ProiecÅii video ale
artiÅtilor internaÅionali din colecÅia NBK de la sfÃrÅitul anilor 1960
pÃnÄ Ãn prezent.

ConÅinutul/producÅia filmelor:
Proiectul are ca scop facilitarea formÄrii spiritului critic, angajat
al artiÅtilor faÅÄ de condiÅia actualÄ a societÄÅilor post-sovietice
(ale fostei URSS) sau post-socialiste. Suntem interesaÅi Ãn mod
special de investigaÅiile care folosesc estetica filmelor Åi
tehnologiilor digitale pentru a explora Åi comenta pe marginea
fenomenului de âtranziÅie"(golului, dÃrii, rupturii sau
continuitÄÅii)- Ãn procesul deconstrucÅiei unui sistem ( socialist) Åi
Ãnlocuirii cu altul (neo-liberal), Ãn acelaÅi timp artiÅtii ar putea
propune idei care doar ar porni de la scopul enunÅat. ParticipanÅii
vor elabora un scenariu de film, vor selecta sursele de arhivÄ
adecvate ideii Åi vor realiza un scurtmetraj digital (de la 5 la 10
minute). Principiul de bazÄ al conceptului Åi producerii filmului
constÃnd Ãn refolosirea sau re-contextualizarea surselor de arhivÄ,
incluzÃnd filme de propagandÄ Åi arhive din perioada socialistÄ (KSA:K
dispune de o colecÅie de asemenea materiale), fragmente de filme noi
sau arhive private, televiziune Åi internet.

Aptitudini acumulate prin participarea la atelier:
Selectarea  Åi digitalizarea materialelor analog (filme de 16 sau 8
mm, casete video),  filmarea cu aparate profesioniste, montajul Ãn
AVID, tehnici de post-producÅie. Filmele vor fi finalizate Ãn format
mini DV Åi exportate Ãn format DVD. Unul din criteriile de selecÅie
este experienÅa anterioarÄ Ãn producÅia video (lucrul cu camera,

InformaÅii practice:
Organizatorii vor acoperi costurile de drum (Ãn limitele cÄlÄtoriei cu
autocarul/trenul), cazarea Åi masa va fi asiguratÄ pe toatÄ durata
atelierului. Nu se percep taxe de participare.

Criterii de Ãnscriere:
PretendenÅii trebuie sÄ aibÄ naÅionalitatea sau sÄ fie cetÄÅeni ai
Republicii Moldova, RomÃniei, Bulgariei, Macedoniei, Bosniei &
HerÅegovinei, Kosovo, Serbiei, Muntenegru, CroaÅiei, sau Sloveniei.
AÅteptam propuneri de la  artiÅti vizuali, cineaÅti Åi activiÅti video
care vor fi inspiraÅi de intersecÅia (dialogul, coliziunea sau
complementaritatea) dintre dimensiunile istorice a trecutului Åi
realitÄÅile prezentului. ArtiÅtii interesaÅi vor pregÄti un pachet de
propuneri conÅinÃnd urmÄtoarele documente: un CV (1-3 pagini), o
declaraÅie scurtÄ despre interesul particular Ãn acest atelier (150 de
cuvinte), un sinopsis al filmului (500-600 de cuvinte), un plan de
producÅie sau o axÄ cronologicÄ Åi o listÄ de descriere a materialelor
de arhivÄ care urmeazÄ a fi folosite. DacÄ aceste materiale de arhivÄ
sunt greu de gÄsit Ãn Moldova Åi au un specific strict regional,
participanÅii sunt ÃncurajaÅi sÄ le aducÄ cu ei. Documentele de
Ãnscriere vor fi expediate ca fiÅier unic (.doc, .rtf, sau .pdf) prin
e-mail. Ãn cazul Ãn care pretendenÅii vor dori sÄ trimitÄ mostre de
lucrÄri anterioare, coletul poate fi trimis prin poÅtÄ la adresa de
mai jos. Documentele electronice trebuie de asemenea trimise separat,
prin e-mail:

Stefan Rusu â	curatorul proiectului FFW
E-mail :,
Addresa: 	Centrul pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ, ChiÅinÄu -[KSA:K],
Str. IndependenÅei, 1, (Colegiul Al. PlÄmÄdealÄ)
Cod poÅtal: MD-2043, ChiÅinÄu, Republica  Moldova
Web site:
Phone:		GSM+37369312435
Tel. +37322 772507,
tel/fax: +37322 573395

Centrul pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ, ChiÅinÄu -[KSA:K] este o instituÅie
independentÄ, non-profit ÃnregistratÄ Ãn 2000. Noua strategie a
Centrului este axatÄ pe promovarea formelor culturale Åi practicilor
artistice, care reflectÄ dinamica transformÄrilor sociale, politice Åi
economice a societÄÅii. Centrul sustine activitÄÅi de advocacy Ãn
promovarea politicilor culturale, care ar defini Åi consolida poziÅia
artistului Åi practicile artei contemporane Ãn societate.

Proiectul este susÅinut de ECF (European Cultural Foundation),
Amsterdam; Ambasadei SUA din Rep. Moldova; Colegiului de Arte Plastice
Al. PlÄmÄdealÄ; Uniunea CineaÅtilor din Rep. Moldova.

English version

Open Call: Found Footage Workshop

Deadline for receiving proposals: 1 August 2007
Announcement of selected participants: 10 August 2007

Organizer/Location: KSAK-Center for Contemporary Art, Chisinau
Workshop Period: 9-25 September 2007 (six hours per day, six days per week).
Participants: 15 persons will be selected from Moldova, Romania,
Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia &
Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia

Project partners:
D Media Association, Romania (
Baza - Belgrade Art Initiatives, Serbia (
NBK Video Forum, Germany (

The Found Footage Workshop is an in-depth exploration of the use of
archival material, the aesthetics of appropriation, sampling and
detournement, and the transfer of cinematic language to digital forms.
The workshop will consist in theoretical presentations, film
screenings, and assisted hands-on workshops (selection of archival
sources, analogue-digital transfers, montage). Each participant will
produce a film based on the re-use of archival sources. The workshop
will provide an opportunity for cross-cultural exchange between
artists and students from Moldova, regional artists from Balkan
countries, and the international guests who have been invited to
prepare the workshop.

Guest tutors & content of the workshop:
John Davis (San Francisco, USA) is a media artist exploring the
intersections of film, video, photography, experimental sound and
social practices. Link:
* Introduction to the reuse of popular culture for critique, satire
and poetic investigation. Assisting participants in extracting
fragments from sources like film, VHS, DVD, television and the
internet, and incorporating them into projects that reshape the media
landscape with their personal vision. Screening of American found
footage films.
Joanne Richardson (Cluj, Romania) is a cultural theorist, video artist
and coordinator of D Media, an NGO producing digital media & engaged
art. Link:
* Introduction to history of found footage and detournement, its
relation to struggles against intellectual property, and the political
dimensions of "counter-documentary." Assisting participants with
developing concept/montage. Screening of 1960-70s French films and
post-1989 found footage from Eastern Europe.
Stevan Vukovic (Belgrade, Serbia) is an art critic, film theorist,
curator, and co-founder of Belgrade Art Initiatives. Links: , ,
* Introduction to recent documentary film and video production from
the Balkans. Screening of films by Zelimir Zilnik and other Serbian
Kathrin Becker (Berlin, Germany) is an art historian, curator and the
director of NBK (Neuer Berliner Kunstverein) Video Forum. Link:
* Introduction to the NBK Video-Forum Archive. Screening of
international artist videos from late 1960s to the present from the
NBK collection.

Film Content/Production:
The workshop aims to facilitate a critical engagement by artists
toward the current condition of post-soviet (former USSR) or
post-socialist societies. We are especially interested in
investigations that use film aesthetics and digital technologies to
explore and comment upon the "transition" (gaps, ruptures, or
continuities) between the dismantling of socialism and the current
neo-liberal system, although artists can also propose ideas that
depart from this focus. Each participant will develop a film scenario,
select and choose appropriate archive sources corresponding to the
idea, and edit a short digital film (5 to 10 minutes in length). The
basic principle underlying the concept and production of the film
should be the re-use or re-contextualization of archival sources,
including propaganda films and archives from the socialist period
(KSA:K has an available collection of these), fragments of new films,
home movies or private archives, television and internet.

Skills gained by taking the workshop:
Selecting and digitizing analogue materials (16 - 8 MM film, VHS),
filming with professional cameras, editing with AVID, postproduction
techniques. Films will be finished on mini DV and exported to DVD.
Please note that some prior experience in video production
(camerawork, montage) is required.

Practical information:
Selected participants will receive reimbursement for travel costs
(train or bus), their accommodations and meals will be covered by the
organizer for the duration of the workshop. There is no participation

Criteria and submissions:
Applicants should be nationals or residents of Moldova, Romania,
Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro,
Croatia, or Slovenia. We are looking for inspired proposals by visual
artists, filmmakers and video activists that envision an intersection
(dialogue, clash or complementarity) between past histories and
present realities. Interested artists will prepare a proposal package
containing the following documents: a CV (1-3 pages), a short
statement about the particular interest in this workshop (150 words),
a film synopsis (500-600 words), a production plan or timeline, and a
tentative list/description of archival sources to be used. If these
archival sources are difficult to find and specific to the region,
artists are encouraged to bring them along. The application documents
should be sent as a single file (.doc, .rtf or .pdf) by email. If
applicants would like to submit samples of previous works, the package
can be sent by post to the following address, but the electronic
documents should also be sent separately by email to:

Stefan Rusu â	FFW project curator
E-mail :,
Addresa: 	Centrul pentru ArtÄ ContemporanÄ, ChiÅinÄu -[KSA:K],
Str. IndependenÅei, 1, (Colegiul Al. PlÄmÄdealÄ)
Cod poÅtal: MD-2043, ChiÅinÄu, Republica  Moldova
Web site:
Phone:		GSM+37369312435
Tel. +37322 772507,
tel/fax: +37322 573395

Center for Contemporary Art-[KSA:K] is a non-profit, independent
institution registered in the year 2000. The new strategy of the
Center is the development of cultural forms and art practices, which
would reflect the dynamic of the social, political and economic
transformations of the society. Center pleads for the advocacy
activities in promoting of the cultural policies suitable for the
defining and the consolidation of the artist position and contemporary
art practices in the society.

This project is supported by ECF (European Cultural Foundation),
Amsterdam; USA Embassy in Rep. of Moldova; Fine Arts College Al.
Plamadeala; The Union of Cineastes from Rep. Moldova.

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